Testing Papers for Sugar Industry

Application of Sugar Industry Testing PapersFilters Button

Filter papers have always played a huge role in the different stages of chromatography, where purification has been a key requirement. Different samples, though, require application-specific filter papers that can get the right results. For the food industry, sugar industry testing papers have proven to be highly beneficial in getting the right results.

These testing papers are designed to provide the right separation and purification medium for various samples related to the food industry, with a focus on sugars. The components of sugars and the way in which they are broken down are unique. Therefore, choosing the right filtration and separation media for these samples is essential to get the best and the right results.

Application of These Testing Papers

Sugar industry testing papers are used primarily for the clarifying filtration of various extracts of dried beet pulp, apart from general sugar based samples that need to be broken down and studied further. They are also used on to process beet juice once lead acetate is added for polarimetric sugar determination thereafter. The Venema unit also uses Grade 3459 of these testing papers for its lead acetate method.

The varied grades of these papers are either creped in nature or smooth filter papers and are made of cellulose. They have a high retention capabilities and offer high speed filtration. Grade 3000 is fast and smooth, while Grade 3002 is medium fast and smooth. They come in varying thicknesses and weights, thereby allowing for different volumes and types of samples to be used on them.

Benefits of Using Sugar Industry Testing Papers

While filter papers in general can cover a wide range of applications, some industries and purposes require specific papers to be used to cover various tests. Sugar industry testing papers are specific to particular applications, and can thereby help in determining the right results without additional tests being run. They also minimize or even eliminate the chances of manual error in tests carried out on samples, as might otherwise be encountered with non-application-specific filtration tools and mechanisms.

The properties of Sugar industry testing papers have also helped in extended use across other spheres of the food industry where sugars need to be filtered and broken down. Some of these include the clarification of milk serum, beer and even starch solutions. Varied flow rates in different types of papers make them ideal for different scenarios, such as when very fine precipitates need to be separated for analysis.

Pre-pleated and crepe papers are ideal when sediment and precipitates need to be collected with greater care, while the smoother testing papers are ideal when the clarification of the liquid component of the sample needs to be handled.

Testing Papers to Suit Every Need

Known worldwide for our high quality separation and filtration products, Tisch Scientific can help you with the best filtration media to suit every need or application. Take a look at our sugar industry testing papers and you will be sure to find the right type for your research or industrial need. Our products are second to none and will get you’re the right results.

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