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Sterile Filters vs. Nonsterile Filters

When looking for the correct membrane filter there is much to consider. What filter media should you use? Should I worry about chemical compatibility? What filter pore size would I need? One of these factors is whether you want a sterile or a nonsterile filter. But how do you know which of these options is right for you? This guide is to help you understand which type of filter you need for you and your team’s work. 

How Do I Know What Membrane Filter is Right For Me?

A membrane filter is a layer that protects a sample from different bacteria and organisms. It can also be used to isolate different bacteria and organisms. There are many factors that go into deciding what membrane filter is correct for your application. Sterility is one of those factors but there are many other factors to consider.

These other factors include: 

  • Filter Media – Knowing what type of material your membrane filter needs to be is imperative. Different applications call for different materials. We have a helpful guide here to help you choose the correct filter media. 
  • Chemical Compatibility – When working with different chemicals it is also important to consider the chemical compatibility of the membrane filter you are working with. We have another helpful guide here for you. 
  • Filter Pore Size – Knowing the filter pore size of a membrane allows you to understand which particles will and will not be able to pass through. You can find more on filter pore size here

So how does sterility factor in? Let’s break it down. 

Why Does the Sterility of My Membrane Filter Matter?

Depending on your application the sterility of your membrane filter could ruin your work and contaminate your sample. The nature of your work determines whether a sterile or nonsterile filter is right for you and your application. 

Sterility refers to the state of being free from bacteria and living organisms. 

Sterile Membrane Filters

When would you need a sterile membrane filter or sterile syringe filter for your application? A sterile membrane filter would be needed if a sample needed to be kept sterile and free from any outside organisms, bacteria, or other contaminants. 

Nonsterile Membrane Filters 

A nonsterile membrane filter is ideal for general filtration and purification. We have a wide variety of nonsterile membrane filters and nonsterile syringe filters available to fit any and all needs of you and your team. 

Need More Help?

Finding the right filter for your application can be a difficult choice. Here at Tisch Scientific we want to make that choice as easy as possible. We offer many different options to help you feel secure in your choice. 

  • We have a helpful customer service team and tools ready to help you choose the right products. 
  • We offer order samples so you can get a sample pack and determine what is right for your application. 

Whatever you and your team’s application we have a wide variety of membrane and syringe filters in different levels of sterility to fit your every need. 

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