A universal indicator paper is a compound solution or a mixture transfused with a number of pH indicators to detect alkalinity or acidity of various solutions. The detection is accomplished through simple, smooth changes in colors when reacting with indicator paper operating with a pH value range of 1 to 14.
Here is a quick glimpse into some interesting facts about Universal Indicator Papers:
What is a Universal Indicator Paper Made Of?
The universal indicator paper is essentially comprised of magnesium hydroxide along with water, phenolphthalein sodium salt, bromothymol blue monosodium salt, propan-1-ol, sodium hydroxide, and thymol blue monosodium salt. It has a pH value of 4.
Types of Whatman Universal Indicator Papers
Whatman Indicator Paper
Whatman, a leading brand name in the universal indicator industry papers offer four main types of indicators, namely, Panpeha, Panpeha Plus, Panpeha NR and Litmus Blue. Panpeha is available in form of rolls and comes in pH ranges of 1 to 11.
Panpeha Plus is non-bleeding and is obtained in two varieties with differing pH ranges, one from 0 to 14 and the other between 2 to 9. Panpeha Nr. 112 comes in strips and with pH range of 0 to 14. Litmus Blue universal indicator paper comprises pH range of 1 to 12 and is obtained in rolls.
Color Changes as Indicated by Universal Indicator Papers
Universal Indicator Papers mentioned earlier are typically used for identifying acidic or alkaline content of solutions. The colors as well as pH correspond to different levels of acid or alkaline content. Hence, a pH range of less than 3 and color red indicates a strong acid presence while that between 3 to 6 and Orange or Yellow hues show a regular acidic element.
The colors Blue, Violet or Purple are indicators of alkali presence in regular and strong levels with pH for regular alkali ranging between 8 to 11 and strong alkali presence depicted by pH value of more than 11. The pH value 7 and color Green indicates the solution to be a Neutral one.
How to Use Blue Litmus Paper
Using a universal indicator paper like Blue Litmus is simple. All you need to do is take the chemical solution that you wish to test in a wide-mouthed container. Taking a strip of blue Litmus, dip one end of it into the beaker containing the chemical. You do not require soaking the paper for long, the paper just needs to be wet enough to show the reactions.
If the solution is acidic the blue Litmus will turn red in a few seconds. If there are no color changes, you need to try out the same with other universal indicator paper or a red Litmus Paper variety.
Uses and Benefits of Universal Indicator Papers
The universal indicator papers are easy to use and have proved extremely dependable in proffering quick, accurate results through depiction of color changes and pH values. This has made them a much sought-after indicator medium in research laboratory and industries as well as educational institutes as a part of high school lab projects. Tisch Scientific offers a wide spectrum of universal indicator paper products which are portable, simple to use, accurate and available at discounted rates for your varied needs.