Quality Certificates A depending upon the specific product, Tisch Scientific is able to offer compliance certificates in the area of RoHS, MSDS,...
Cleanliness and Housekeeping Tisch Scientific maintains a climate controlled and low particulate environment for product storage. Products are well segregated by category and...
Quality Documentation Our Quality Assurance manual and related supportive documentation are carefully controlled and our employees are well trained in compliance. We...
Are your products FDA-approved? Our products are not FDA approved. They are intended strictly for scientific research applications, and are not intended for applications...
Are you ISO-certified? Tisch Scientific is not ISO-certified. We keep a Quality Manual as well as detailed records concerning our performance/systematic/quality metrics. We...
Can you recommend a specific product for my application? We are not laboratory-trained at our facility, and therefore cannot make recommendations on products based on customer applications. We do...